Concrete Repair – What Options Do You Have?

Concrete is a vital component in a building’s exterior walls, floors, driveways, sidewalks and patios. Damaged concrete can affect the look, function and safety of a structure. Contact Concrete Repair Bismarck for professional help.

Concrete Repair

Use a small sledgehammer and chisel to undercut the edges of the crack. This will make the crack wider at its base and provide a mechanical method for keying the concrete patch into place.

Concrete cracks are a common problem that occurs in many outdoor concrete surfaces. The damage can be unsightly and even dangerous, which is why repairing these problems as soon as they appear is important. It can also help prevent future damage and save money on costly replacement projects.

There are several different methods of concrete repair, and the best method will depend on the type of crack and severity of deterioration. Narrow cracks that are less than 1/4 inch wide can usually be repaired with a concrete patching compound, while wider cracks may require the use of epoxy injection. It is important to properly prepare the area and use a product that is suitable for the specific damage to ensure a long-lasting, effective repair.

It is also important to keep in mind that concrete surfaces can be damaged by a number of factors other than just cracks. Severe weather conditions, heavy traffic, and other environmental issues can cause a variety of problems that require attention and repair.

The most common causes of concrete cracks are freeze-thaw cycles, movement, and settling. These conditions cause concrete to expand and contract, which leads to the formation of small cracks over time. As the temperature fluctuates, these small cracks can grow larger and eventually lead to a complete separation of the concrete.

To stop cracks from occurring, the soil beneath the concrete needs to be well drained. This can be accomplished by installing french drains, or by using a special gravel base. It is also important to maintain proper moisture content of the concrete, which can be done by utilizing a watering system or by adjusting the amount of water used for irrigation.

There are a number of products available that can be used to repair cracks in concrete, including latex and polyurethane-based materials. These products can be applied by hand or power sprayer. A sledgehammer and chisel can be used to undercut the sides of the crack, which will allow for a better mechanical anchoring for the concrete patch or injection. It is important to ensure that the crack is clean and dry before attempting a repair.

Patching Cracks

Concrete is exposed to a lot of forces that can wear it down over time. Those forces include rain, foot traffic and blazing sunlight. Cracks are just one of the many ways that concrete can break down, and if the cracks in your concrete get too big they can be dangerous to walk on and can cause damage to other structures like cars or buildings.

Cracks can be repaired in a variety of ways. Some require professional help, while others can be handled by the homeowner. If you’re going to try to patch the cracks yourself, choose a product that is made specifically for concrete repair and follow the directions carefully. This will ensure that the repairs are durable and long-lasting.

Before you begin repairing the cracks, it’s important to make sure that the area is dry and clean. This will prevent the patch from becoming waterlogged and causing further damage to the concrete.

To start, use a hammer and chisel to widen the base of the crack, then a wire brush to remove any loose material. Next, use a wet/dry vacuum or brush to remove any remaining water from the crack. The cracks should be completely dry before you apply the patching compound.

The most common way to fill a crack is with epoxy injection. The cracks should be cleaned and vacuumed to remove any dust or dirt that could interfere with the process. The injection ports and surface seals are then installed, and the epoxy is injected into the cracks.

If the cracks are very deep, it may be necessary to add and compact new subbase material. The optimum compaction can be achieved with small plate compactors that can maneuver in the confined area around the repair site.

If you’re repairing the surface of the concrete, be sure to finish and texture it so that it matches the surrounding pavement. This will give the patch better traction and reduce its tendency to delaminate or crack again in the future. It’s also important to properly moist cure the concrete. This will allow the bond to develop more slowly, which will reduce the risk of premature failure.

Repairing Leaks

Concrete surfaces can develop cracks, spalling, voiding and a host of other problems that need to be addressed. When it comes to repairing these problems, you have a few options for concrete repair:

Choosing the best method depends on your needs and the type of damage. For example, if you have small leaks in concrete tanks and piping, epoxy injection may be an ideal solution. This method is quick and affordable, making it perfect for a variety of small repairs.

Another option is to replace the damaged section of pipe. However, this is a disruptive process that requires tearing out old concrete and installing new pipe. It also comes with additional costs associated with demolition, installation and curing time.

Slab leaks can be a major headache for homeowners, causing everything from increased water bills to structural damage and mold growth. Fortunately, qualified plumbers can use methods like acoustic leak detection and thermal imaging to pinpoint the location of slab leaks and provide quick and effective repairs.

The first step in repairing slab leaks is to thoroughly inspect the area, including the floor covering and walls below the affected area. Once the source of the leak is determined, a plumber can use trenchless techniques like pipe lining to replace the damaged section of pipe without needing to break through the concrete slab.

To prepare the leaking concrete for repair, it’s important to remove all dust and debris from the surface using an air compressor with a minimum of 2.6 cy/min at 90psi (.63 MPa). If any sandblast residue remains in the concrete, it can prevent the bonding agent from effectively adhering to the existing concrete.

Next, the concrete should be cleaned with a wire brush to ensure that it is clean and dry. Finally, the repaired concrete should be backfilled and allowed to cure. During the curing process, it is important to keep the humidity below 70 percent in order to prevent surface scaling.

To make sure that your concrete is waterproof, it’s important to seal the crack properly before putting in the grout. To do this, you’ll need to chisel through the entire length of the crack and create a chase. Then, you can use a concrete waterproofing product like FeatherPatch or ChemSpeed 65 to waterproof the chase and concrete.

Repairing Stains

Concrete is a durable and cost-effective building material, but its porous surface can be stained by a variety of things. These stains darken the concrete and make it look dirty. Addressing stains in concrete is a critical part of maintaining the longevity of your home’s concrete surfaces and preserving its value.

Concrete stains can come from many sources, including water, mold, mildew and oil. These stains can be difficult to remove, but there are some simple steps you can take to minimize their impact.

Stains from oil spills can be particularly stubborn. If the stain is still fresh, try blotting away any excess oil and then using household cleaners such as oven cleaner, WD-40 or concrete degreaser to scrub the area. If you’re unable to remove the stain, try pouring baking soda directly onto the affected area and leaving it for about 15 minutes. Then, use a stiff brush (preferably nylon or plastic as metal can leave rust spots) to scrub the area. Rinse thoroughly after scrubbing to remove any remaining baking soda and residue from the concrete.

For old stains, a combination of scouring powder or chemical solvents may be necessary. A poultice can also help to remove etch marks from concrete, especially if the stains have been there for some time. For this, soak 3- or 4-layers of undyed flannel or cotton batting in trichloroethylene and apply the bandage to the affected area. Make sure to cover the stain as well as the surrounding areas so that it is not vulnerable to cracking or spalling.

Staining in concrete is a common problem and, when not addressed, it can make your home look unattractive and lower the value of your property. Luckily, modern repair techniques have made it much more affordable to save your concrete rather than replace it completely. However, if you do need to replace the concrete, a professional can provide the best results and ensure that the new concrete is properly mixed with the existing concrete so that it will not crack or chip. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with all of your concrete repair and replacement needs.

The Benefits of Hiring Movers

Movers are experts at moving heavy, large, and fragile items. They are trained to work safely and efficiently. They also have a minimum liability insurance coverage and a way to file claims if they damage your furniture.


A mover is a person or company that transports household and office goods. They are typically insured and licensed by the federal government. Visit for more details.

Moving to a new state can be intimidating, but it can also be a great opportunity to start fresh. It’s a chance to learn more about yourself, reform your social circle, and experience a new culture. In addition to these benefits, relocating to a new state can also provide you with a number of financial opportunities.

For example, you may be able to find cheaper rent in a smaller city, or your money may go further in a state with low taxes and fewer costs. You may even be able to save more for retirement. However, it’s important to do your research and find out what kind of lifestyle you can afford in your new state.

One of the most obvious reasons for relocating to a new state is to seek a better job opportunity. In fact, the vast majority of people move to other states for work-related reasons. While it’s important to have a job lined up before you move, it can be difficult to secure one after relocating to a new state.

The best way to find out about the local job market in your new state is to talk to friends and family members who live there. This can help you figure out the best area to relocate to and whether it’s a good fit for your skills and interests. You can also look at the local economy, unemployment rate, and wages to get a better idea of what to expect when you relocate.

You should also make sure to update your financial institutions that you’re relocating to a new state. This includes your bank, credit card company, and any investments or retirement accounts. You should also notify your insurance providers and ask about a transfer of coverage.

It offers a change of pace.

Whether you’re tired of your current job or just want to try something new, moving to a new state can be an exciting opportunity. Depending on the state you’re moving to, there may be more job opportunities, better wages, or even a different climate that suits your needs more.

If you’re moving across the country, it’s important to book travel arrangements well in advance for the best rates. If possible, you should also reserve rental cars or buy plane tickets in advance for ease of transportation. This will also help you avoid any potential delays in paperwork, utility start dates, or packing delivery times.

It’s also important to take the time to research your new city before making the move. Find out if your new neighborhood has good public schools, local restaurants, and recreational activities. You can use online resources to test commute times and map routes. If you’re moving with children, research nearby childcare centers and doctors. Lastly, if you’re going to be renting or buying a home, be sure to check its proximity to parks and trails.

Another benefit of moving is that it gives you the chance to clean out your possessions. It’s a great time to reorganize your belongings and sift through them to keep only the things that truly matter to you. This process can also be therapeutic, as you’ll be able to let go of items that no longer serve your purposes. Using a service can make the process of getting organized easier by allowing you to pack your belongings at your own pace and transport them safely from place to place.

It offers a change of scenery.

Whether you’re moving to pursue a new career, looking for more opportunity, or just need a change of scenery, relocating to a new state can give you the fresh start you need. You’ll be able to leave behind all of the drama from your old life, as well as those toxic friends and family members who drain you of your energy.

It’s also the perfect time to sift through your belongings and get rid of items that are no longer useful or important to you. Many people find that they have a tendency to hang onto things out of habit, but relocating gives you the chance to really examine your items and decide what is truly worth keeping.

Another benefit of relocating is that it can offer you the chance to make a more personal connection with your community. You’ll be able to meet new people and explore your surroundings, making for a more enjoyable lifestyle. Additionally, you’ll be able to discover hidden gems and unique experiences that you may have otherwise missed.

To help you make the most of your move, plan ahead and research your new state before you arrive. Find out how much income tax you’ll be paying, what the cost of living is like, and which schools are best suited to your children’s needs. Schedule your travel plans far enough in advance to take advantage of discounts, and be sure to book overnight lodgings for the days when you’ll be transporting your boxes. Additionally, be sure to check the weather forecast and avoid traveling during bad conditions.

It offers a change of lifestyle.

A major lifestyle change that comes with relocating to a new state is the opportunity to explore a new culture. You can try out different restaurants, visit the museum, or just immerse yourself in a new city’s unique vibe and get to know your surroundings. You can even make new friends and expand your social circle. This can help you learn to live a new way of life, define your priorities and gain a fresh perspective on your life.

If you are moving to a new state for work, you may want to take some time before your move to research the job market and opportunities there. You may also want to look into the cost of living, weather conditions and any other factors that might affect your daily routine. For instance, you might want to know if the new state is prone to any natural disasters and how that might affect your insurance costs.

Another reason why you might want to consider relocating is that it can help you break out of a stagnant routine. Many people can become comfortable with their surroundings, leading to them taking their environment and their family for granted. This can be especially true when you are surrounded by workmates and coworkers, which can lead to feelings of resentment and boredom. Moving to a new state can give you the push that you need to start over and develop a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Another lifestyle change that comes with relocating is the opportunity to sift through your belongings and make a clean break from those that are no longer serving you. You can use online marketplaces to offload items you no longer need, such as appliances or furniture. You can also hire a freight trailer company to ship your belongings, which is an excellent option for those who are moving long distances.

It offers a change of perspective.

Whether it’s a new job or a new lifestyle, moving to a different state offers a change of perspective. You’ll be able to see things in a new light, and you might even have more energy to do all the things that you want to do.

The verb move means to progress toward a certain state, activity, or opinion: She moved us to laughter and tears with her performance. It can also mean to affect: The tale of the famine moved many people to pity.

It can also mean to transfer a piece in a game, such as chess or checkers: The player moved the queen into position. It can also mean to rotate something, especially machinery: The wheels of the car were moved into position.

The process of moving can be stressful, but there are steps you can take to make it easier on everyone. For example, you might book temporary housing in your new city or rent an apartment before moving. You can also research your new neighborhood’s proximity to schools and other essential services, like parks and trails. You can also book flights or rental cars in advance to get the best rates. Lastly, be sure to hire professional movers to transport your belongings.

How Google Ads Services Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Google ads (formerly known as AdWords) are a powerful marketing tool that can help you drive traffic to your website and accomplish your goals. They work with businesses of all sizes and are flexible enough to fit any budget.

Google Ads Services

The most important measurement of your Google Ads performance is ROI, or return on investment. This metric determines how well your ads are performing and whether you should continue with them. Get in touch with Outdoor Advertising Houston for professional support.

Using Google Ads, also known as Google AdWords, to promote your business offers can help you reach your marketing goals quickly. It’s easy to start a Google Ad campaign, and you can see results immediately. In fact, if you use the right keywords and optimize your ads for conversions, you can get a high ROI on your Google Ads investment. It’s important to use Google Ads as part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, though, to make sure your ads are seen by the most relevant searchers and potential customers.

Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising service that allows you to promote your products and services on Google Search, Google Maps, and other Google-affiliated sites. Google Ads uses sophisticated targeting options to ensure your ads are displayed in front of people who are likely to buy what you’re selling. It also provides measurable results, so you can track the effectiveness of your ads and make necessary adjustments.

Another benefit of Google Ads is that it’s easy to set up and scale, making it an affordable way to promote your business. You can choose your budget and target location, and you can even control how much you spend on each click. You can also customize your ads to suit your needs and target specific devices, including mobile phones.

Google Ads is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. Its ability to deliver targeted ads in a short amount of time makes it a valuable investment for any business. It also gives businesses a competitive edge over competitors by ensuring that their ads are always visible on top of search engine result pages. However, it is important to remember that Google Ads should be used as part of a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes organic search, content marketing, and social media. The benefits of Google Ads include immediate results, measurable results, and a high ROI. By focusing on the right audience, creating optimized ads, and connecting them to dedicated landing pages, Google Ads can increase sales or leads. It can also help businesses build brand awareness, remind customers of their products or services, and draw new visitors to their websites.

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool that can help you reach the right audience at the right time. But it’s important to understand what your goals are before using the platform. Whether you want to generate traffic, increase leads, or drive sales, knowing your goals will help you develop a customized strategy that can achieve them. Conducting thorough keyword research is a good place to start. Choose keywords that align with your business idea and are searchable by your target audience. Choosing the right keywords can make your ads more relevant to the people who see them, resulting in better performance.

Ads are based on an auction system that takes into account two factors: Quality Score and Maximum Bid. The advertiser with the highest score wins the ad position. The actual amount you pay for an ad can vary day to day. On days with more traffic or potential for better ad engagement, your spending can go up to twice your average daily budget.

In 2016, Google introduced smart bidding, which uses machine learning to automatically optimize real-time bids based on various signals and conversion data. This feature can significantly improve campaign efficiency and maximize your return on investment.

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive ad management tool, consider upgrading to Performance Max. This tool allows you to track all changes made to your campaigns and their impact on performance. It also enables you to create, pause and edit your ads from a single interface. You can even customize and preview changes before implementing them.

Google Ads offers a variety of targeting options to help you find the right audience. You can choose a specific demographic, geographic location, and device type. This can be helpful if you’re trying to sell products or services in a limited market. You can also target users who have visited your website or are interested in certain products.

Another feature of Google Ads is remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA). This campaign type runs remarketing ads on the Google Search network when users who have visited your site or a specific page on your website use search terms related to those pages. This remarketing option is an effective way to boost your business’s online presence and increase the likelihood of your leads becoming customers.


PPC is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to increase your brand visibility and website traffic. By using different types of PPC ads, you can target specific audiences and generate measurable results. Whether you want to drive sales, generate leads, or increase brand awareness, you can use Google Ads to meet your business objectives.

The first step in launching a PPC campaign is to choose the right keywords and appropriate ad creatives. Once you have done this, you can select a bid strategy that aligns with your goals. Then, you can link your ads to a relevant landing page that provides a clear path to conversion. Finally, you can set a budget that meets your marketing needs and enables you to achieve a high return on investment.

To maximize the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns, it’s important to track your conversions and adjust your ad spend accordingly. You can also use the change history feature to catalog past updates, including ad rotation, keyword additions, and sitelink additions. This helps you identify what’s working and what isn’t, and can help you justify increasing your ad spend.

Google’s auction-based search engine system determines your ad placements based on the value of the keywords you bid on, how well you match up with user search intent, and your quality score. The combined score of these factors determines your ad’s Ad Rank, which in turn determines where your ad will appear and how much you pay per click.

PPC advertising is a powerful way to reach potential customers at the exact moment they’re searching for your products or services. With a properly executed Google Ads campaign, you can create an effective strategy that will deliver measurable results and grow your business. To get the most out of your campaign, be sure to test new ad copy, ad creatives, and landing pages to reduce your average cost per click. You can also use Google Analytics to track your conversions and measure the ROI of your campaign.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that involves creating educational blog posts, videos, and other formats to connect with your ideal customer and position your brand as an expert. It can also drive more sales and increase brand loyalty. It’s important to create a strategic content marketing plan that aligns with your goals and is based on solid research. This will ensure that you are producing quality content and measuring results consistently.

To develop an effective content marketing strategy, it’s crucial to understand your ideal customer and the types of content that they will find helpful. You can do this by developing a buyer persona, which includes information such as their demographics, interests, pain points, and preferred content formats. Once you know your audience, you can develop a content schedule that will meet their needs and keep them engaged.

Using a content marketing agency can help you produce quality content that is measurable and aligned with your business goals. It will also save you time and money, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. A good content marketing agency will be able to guide you through the process of planning, creating, and optimizing your campaign, as well as track its performance to ensure that it is working as intended.

Emails are a valuable tool for content marketing, as they provide an intimate connection with your target audience. They can be used to share new products and offers, as well as engage with customers in a way that is less intrusive than traditional paid ads. However, if you want to achieve the best results from your email marketing efforts, you need to know how to write emails that will grab attention and inspire action.

Content marketing is a powerful strategy that helps businesses build trust with their prospects at scale. It allows them to communicate with potential customers on their terms, rather than relying on platforms’ algorithms and privacy concerns. Moreover, it can produce higher returns over time than paid advertising – especially if you produce evergreen content. Lastly, it’s critical to track your content marketing efforts so that you can improve and refine your strategy over time.

Early Intervention – What Happens Next?

Parents and child care providers can call their state’s Early Intervention program if concerned about a child’s development. An evaluation will then be scheduled.

Early Intervention

The service coordinator will work with you to develop your child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Depending on your state’s policies, some services may be charged on a sliding scale, and some might be covered by health insurance or Medicaid.

If your child, from birth to age three, has a developmental delay or disability that impacts his or her growth and development, you may need Early Intervention services. These services include evaluation services; home visits; speech, physical or other therapies; and family counseling. These services are available at no cost to you.

Federal law provides guidelines for eligibility for Early Intervention, but the individual states set the specific criteria. The criteria typically suggest that children must have a developmental delay in one or more areas of their development, such as motor skills, cognitive skills, communication, adaptive behavior or social/emotional development; have a diagnosed condition with a high probability of resulting in developmental delay, such as cerebral palsy or extreme prematurity; or be at risk for developing a delay because of family circumstances (known as informed clinical opinion).

Each State designates which agency will serve as the lead agency for its Early Intervention program. The agency in your State will have a name, phone number and website. The website will also have a list of local offices where you can call to find out more about the Early Intervention program in your area and get an evaluation started. Your child’s doctor can help you contact the lead agency, or you can reach out directly to your local office yourself.

Once your family is enrolled in the program, you will work with your service coordinator to determine the types of services your child needs. These services will be based on the results of your child’s evaluation, as well as the goals and objectives in the IFSP.

The IFSP will be reviewed and updated annually to ensure that your child is progressing toward his or her goals. In addition, you will attend your child’s Initial Individualized Family Service Planning meeting and annual review in person or via teleconference.


After your child is referred to Early Intervention, the program will do an initial assessment or evaluation. This is a process that evaluates your child’s skills in all areas of development, including cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and language. It may also include an interview with family members to identify their resources, concerns and priorities. There are two types of assessments that are used in the evaluation process: norm-referenced and criterion-referenced. Norm-referenced tests compare your child’s scores to the scores of children in similar circumstances, such as age, language or culture. Criterion-referenced tests, on the other hand, measure your child’s ability to perform a task based on a specific standard. The evaluator will determine which type of test is best for your child.

The next step in the assessment process is for a team of professionals to conduct an in-depth evaluation of your child and family. This includes testing, observations and interviews, with your consent. The team will determine whether your child needs help to grow and develop and decide the place, time, type and amount of services that are necessary for your child and family to receive.

Before any evaluation takes place, you will be asked to sign a written consent form and the coordinator facilitator for your local program will discuss with you when and where it will take place and who should be there. If you do not agree with the results of your child’s evaluation or eligibility decision, you have the right to request an independent educational evaluation (IEE). Someone who does not work for the local program will conduct the IEE at no cost to you.

After the evaluation is complete, you will meet with a member of your local early intervention team to review the results. The team will tell you how your child did in each area of development and discuss the findings of the evaluation. They will also share with you their recommendations for your child. Once you agree with the recommendations, the team will write an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) to provide the services your child needs to reach their full potential.

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

The IFSP is the heart of your child’s EI program. It is a written plan that records the outcomes you want for your child and lists the early intervention services that are expected to help reach those goals.

The plan is developed with a team of professionals that you choose. This team may include a doctor, social worker, speech-language pathologist (SLP), psychologist or psychiatrist. It can also include teachers, occupational therapists, physical therapists and other professionals who know your child well. You, as the parent, are an important member of this team because you understand your child’s strengths and needs best.

During the IFSP process, you and your family will discuss the findings from your child’s assessment and identify the outcomes you would like to achieve for your child and family. These outcomes are based on your family’s daily activities and routines, so they should be achievable within your family’s real-life environment. The IFSP also identifies the supports that will be put in place to help your child and family reach these outcomes. It’s important to note that your IFSP team will only agree to a service if it is one that you request and have been informed of in advance. This is a requirement by federal law.

After your IFSP is developed, it must be reviewed and revised at least once every six months. You and your family can be part of this review and revision process, and you have the right to bring in a professional independent consultant to help you with this.

Your child’s progress will be tracked and monitored, and as he or she grows and develops, the IFSP will be updated to reflect these changes. As your child nears his or her third birthday, the IFSP will be formed into a transition plan that will prepare for the transition from EI to an IEP, or individualized education program. This will be a collaborative effort between you and your IFSP team, with a special focus on your child’s educational needs. The IFSP will include a statement of your child’s present levels of development, a description of the goals that you and your family have identified, how these goals will be measured, and when the evaluation will be done.


When kids are found eligible for Early Intervention, they will be assigned a service coordinator. The service coordinator will help the parents understand the system and work with them to get the services their child needs. It’s important for families to keep track of the information their service coordinator gives them. You can use the Parent’s Record-Keeping Worksheet to help you with this.

The service coordinator will also discuss transition options. It is required that a family receives an evaluation before their child turns three to determine if they will be moving out of Early Intervention and into preschool special education or other community-based programs. If the CPSE finds that the child does not qualify for special education services, the service coordinator can assist them in finding appropriate community based programs.

If the CPSE finds that the child qualifies for special education, the service coordinator will make a referral to the Local Educational Agency (LEA). The LEA is responsible for providing a free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities. In New York State this is known as the Committee for Preschool Special Education (CPSE). The CPSE will evaluate the child and determine if they are eligible for special education services.

In order to be eligible for special education, the child must have a disability that requires the use of special instruction, aids and devices, or other types of accommodations. The CPSE will then develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The IFSP will describe the goals and types of services that the child will be provided. The IFSP must be developed and written with input from the family. The family must give consent in writing before the IFSP can be implemented.

The IFSP will also include an evaluation of how well the IFSP is working and what changes are needed. The IFSP will be reviewed and revised at least once per year. It is important that the IFSP reflects the current and accurate needs of the child. It is also important that the IFSP includes progress that has been made and what goals will be set for the future.